Saturday, August 2, 2008

moving to honduras

For months I've been searching for a job in another country. First it was the au pair job in Germany and then France, then it was the journalism internship in Costa Rica, and finally, I began looking for teaching jobs in Honduras. Thanks to help from several people I will be leaving for La Ceiba, Honduras in less than three weeks!

Brassavola bilingual school has offered me a job teaching freshman and sophomore English, sophomore social studies, junior U.S. History and junior Philosophy. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm qualified to teach most of those subjects but they say that since I have a bachelor's degree I'm what they want! I can't wait.

From what I've heard, and read online, La Ceiba is the third largest city in Honduras and has an eclectic mix of Latin,
African-Antillian and Caribbean cultures. It's located right on the Caribbean Sea!

For the next year this blog will serve as a journal recording and preserving the best and worst of my times in Central America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy, the school took an excellent decission hiring you as a teacher.You are obviously the best english teacher that we have had.ILU miss...SE CUIDA MUCHO!!