Wednesday, October 1, 2008

meet my neighbors

I love my neighbors.

Whether they are teaching me Spanish, selling me jewelry, carrying my groceries or inviting me over to play chess they each help to make the Suites del Toronjal (my apartment complex) feel more like home.

Grandma and Rafael

From outside my door, this is a view of two of my Nicaraguan neighbors. Grandma sits in this rocking chair every day and lives with her daughter. Her daughter is my primary Spanish teacher and jewelry provider. I've already bought two necklaces from her and she's promised to give me a free one if I can get my students to buy from her. To the right of Grandma is Rafael, her grandson. Rafael lives a few apartments down with his parents and younger brother, Mario. Mario likes music and stepping on my feet. Sometimes he feels brave enough to come inside my apartment, but usually only when I have skittles.

Rafael is seven. He is supposed to be learning English, but he doesn't like doing his homework. I help him practice English; he helps me practice Spanish. Sometimes we use this etch-a-sketch. He makes really funny faces when I mess up. Sometimes it makes me feel stupid, but overall he's a good teacher.

I also live next to a college student from Roatan, a painter from Texas, and a local doctor. I'll try to get photos of them, but they're less excited about being photographed for a blog than Rafael and Grandma (who, in all honesty, didn't even know she was being photographed).

That's all for now. Just two more days of school this week then a three day weekend! The weekend should be pretty full: I've got a masquerade Saturday night and I'm watching some friends compete in a motocross event Saturday and Sunday.

paz y amor. :)


Anonymous said...

PAZ Y AMOR!!HAHA. Miss, this blogg is the most interesting journal Ive seen, thats because you are an excellent journalist. Its incredible that i took time to read your blogg; but I did. Maybe this can help me improve my english,...reading journals of the best american journalist.
ilu miss

Anonymous said...

HEY how did your 'blind date' go?!?!?!?!?!
Sarah Jabr