Thursday, January 1, 2009

review of '08, goals for '09

Many people breathed sighs of relief when the clock struck midnight signifying the end of 2008 ... for many they were just happy to have made it to the new year. For me 2008 was mostly great. Here's a review:

1. My college newspaper won first place for general excellence beating out every other college newspaper in Arkansas.
2. Our newspaper also placed 5th in the nation at a conference in San Francisco.
4. I chaperoned a newspaper staff trip to San Fransisco. It was AMAZING!
4. I graduated!
5. I made new friends and had an awesome summer job working at a hotel in San Diego.
6. I moved to Honduras, became a teacher, got my own apartment for the first time and sort of started speaking Spanish.
7. I had my first international article published.

On a sadder note, my Grandma Vicky died last summer.

My goals for 2009:
1. To not get so mad at my students. They say, "Miss, you don't look as pretty when you're mad."
2. To write an in-depth piece about gold mining in Honduras (and get it published!)
3. After my contract is up in Honduras I want to support myself working as a journalist full-time.

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