Sunday, October 4, 2009

i'm back.

It's me again.
It's been about a month and I think I'm ready to return to blogging.

Today's topic: being pursued.

I've been a Christian since I was 8 years old. It happened at the Del Mar Fair in a little Bible story tent (not creepy like it sounds). The decision to put God in charge of my life was simple: It made sense. It still makes sense. However, it's been 15 years and what still is not simple is figuring out how my life should look. Following God is a lot of work and most of the time I feel confused. So, I've decided to ask God something: Please pursue me.

I know the Bible promises that if we pursue God we will find him. But right now I really need God to find me. I want to feel wanted by him.

I'm not sure if this quote is relevant to the topic, but they said it in church today and I really liked it:
"God is present to us in the most destructive aspect of our cultural captivity." ~Robert Mulholland

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