Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"100 things to do before i die"

I had one of my 10th grade classes make a list of 100 things they want to do before they die. I read them all during a very boring and inefficient teachers meeting today after school. This is my favorite list:

  1. Go to the states
  2. Leave the states
  3. Leave or finish school
  4. Finish college
  5. Sleep for 23 straight hours
  6. Play basketball
  7. Get an expensive pen
  8. Go to the border of Mexico and U.S.A.
  9. Burn a building
  10. Burn a school
  11. Burn B.B.S. School
  12. Complete the 3 above at the same time
  13. Laugh at the wall
  14. Sleep in a bed
  15. Go to New Orleans again
  16. Leave New Orleans
  17. Go to Las Vegas
  18. Win money in Las Vegas
  19. Laugh at La Ceiba when I'm in Las Vegas
  20. Not have kids
  21. Play on a basketball team
  22. Kill an angry fan
  23. Kill someone in a basketball court
  24. Kill someone with a basketball
  25. Drink water
  26. Drink coke
  27. Drink sprite
  28. Drink 7-Up
  29. Throw up a 7-Up
  30. High-5 a retard
  31. Poo in the chimney of someone
  32. Get a crappy car
  33. Burn a crappy car
  34. Get a nicer car
  35. Burn a crappy car that was burned
  36. Burn a nice car
  37. Pee in the snow and say it's a lemon snow cone
  38. Do the previous thing again
  39. Drink coke again
  40. Go to my house
  41. Hate and be hated
  42. Never dance
  43. Never adopt someone
  44. Laugh at people on TV
  45. Be an "extra" on a stupid movie
  46. Get married
  47. Stare at someone until he hits me
  48. Crash a friends car
  49. Buy books
  50. Read book titles
  51. Read first sentences of a lot of books
  52. Burn a lot of books
  53. Play baseball with books as bases
  54. Never drink alcohol
  55. Never smoke
  56. Never get a tattoo
  57. Sleep in books
  58. Burn previous books used as beds
  59. Go to the door of a library
  60. Don't go into a library
  61. Go to Washington D.C.
  62. Leave Washington D.C.
  63. Go to Miami again
  64. Leave Miami
  65. Eat ice cream
  66. Be 66 years old
  67. Be 67 years old
  68. Be 68 years old
  69. Be 69 years old
  70. Be 80 years old
  71. Learn to count well from 66 to 80
  72. Sell a house
  73. Sell a crappy burnt car
  74. Sell a burnt car
  75. Pee in snow to play sudoku
  76. Play poker in Las Vegas El Rio Casino
  77. Play in a casino in Las Vegas
  78. Not get shot while playing poker in Las Vegas
  79. Not get shot at all
  80. Be 81 years old
  81. Build a dog house
  82. Destroy a dog's house
  83. Buy a dog's house
  84. Burn a dog's house
  85. Buy a hampster
  86. Find out if hampster can resist 5 minutes under water
  87. Bury a drowned hampster
  88. Hear music
  89. Write a crappy song
  90. Buy a crappy car again
  91. Get "Pimp My Ride" to fix my car
  92. Rip in half a $20 bill
  93. Burn a $5 bill
  94. Buy shoes
  95. Cut the blood circulation in my foot
  96. Build a poker table
  97. Play poker vs. a pro of poker stars
  98. Play poker vs. a prof of some team from Jamaica
  99. Climb a block
  100. Win a WSOP poker bracelet


kris said...

It kinda reminds me of the book of Ecclesiastes. All is vanity, isn't it.
I only had 10 things; I'd like to know what your 100 things are.
Looking forward to June 28! Love you, mom

Anthony said...

kill someone with a basketball is easily the best out of all of those

Palindroman said...

Damn killing someone with a bball would be impossible.

I have a list of 100 things I want to do before I die. Its only at like 75 or so.