Wednesday, March 11, 2009

third quarter finals

"Too often we give our students answers to remember rather than problems to solve." ~Roger Lewin

Third quarter finals start next week. We're doing reviews this week. Today I gave a review to my sociology class and told them that I wouldn't be collecting it. I told them that completely the review would help them win a review game tomorrow and pass the exam but that I wouldn't be watching over their shoulder to make sure they did it. What happened? About 6 students worked on the review and the rest wasted another 45 minutes of their life.


They said, "Miss, you have to remember what it's like to be in our shoes." I stopped. Thought about that for awhile and realized that I was never like them. I was never that lazy in class. I always cared about my grades and about learning. I was never disrespectful to my teachers.

Good news: After finals I just have one week of school before Spring Break! For Spring Break I'm taking a surf trip to El Salvador!

1 comment:

Anthony said...

surf trip sounds amazing. i probably wasn't that lazy in high school either. especially if i had a study guide that was the exam in front of me for an hour.